Mini-project 1
Purpose: Come up with pictures/diagrams to explain concepts from our measurement unit. I hope that this helps solidify your understanding by representing the information in a different way. You are effectively developing a graphical reference sheet.
Task: Work with your groups using whatever drawing tools you wish. Develop pictures and diagrams to graphically show the following. The goal is to use as little text as possible.
- Difference between prevalence, cumulative incidence, and incidence rate
- How to determine the number of person-years of healthy follow up
- Direct standardization
- The big picture idea behind why we use this method
- The rationale between the direct standardization calculation
- The rationale behind the life expectancy calculation
Put all group members’ names at the top of your document. Submit this on Moodle by the end of class.
Requirements for passing: Make a good faith effort at all tasks above. This activity will be graded for completion.