Homework 6

Required parts

Due Wednesday, November 8 by midnight on Moodle.

  • Complete all exercises in the “Improving your data visualizations” section of our review activity.
  • If you would like feedback on any other part of our review activity, you can also submit this work. Please write 1-2 sentences in each section of additional work describing what specifically you would like feedback on.

Put this work in a new .qmd document. Update the header information in your .qmd to look like this:

title: "Homework 6"
author: "YOUR NAME"
    self-contained: true

When you render this .qmd, this will create an HTML file in which images are embedded. Submit this HTML file on Moodle.

If you decided to write a Shiny app for the mini-project and want feedback, you can also submit your app.R file.


Participate in the most recent Tidy Tuesday challenge.