Topic 17 Regression Discontinuity

Learning Goals

  • Implement and interpret the results of a regression discontinuity study

Slides from today are available here.


You can download a template RMarkdown file to start from here.

Context and setup

We’ll look at data from a study by Carpenter and Dobkin (2009) on the effect of alcohol consumption on mortality rates.

The variables are as follows:

  • agecell: Age of individual (the study focuses on adults between the ages of 19-22). This is the assignment (forcing, running) variable.
  • all: Overall mortality rate
  • alcohol: Mortality rate for alcohol-related causes
  • homicide:Mortality rate for homicides
  • suicide: Mortality rate for suicide
  • mva: Mortality rate for car accidents
  • drugs: Mortality rate for drug-related causes (alcohol excluded)
  • externalother: Mortality rate for other external causes

alco <- read_csv("")

# We create the treatment variable and a centered version of the assignment variable
alco <- alco %>%
        treatment = agecell > 21,
        age_centered = agecell - 21

Main analysis

Step 1: Clarifying sharp vs. fuzzy regression discontinuity design

  • Is this a sharp or a fuzzy RD design? Explain.

Step 2: Checking the assignment variable

Check the distribution of the assignment (forcing, running) variable (agecell). Are there any apparent bumps in the distribution? What would bumps in the distribution suggest?

# Distribution of the assignment / forcing / running variable (age)

Step 3: Covariate balance

While we don’t have any covariates available in this dataset, what do you think would be important confounders to include?

Step 4: Visually check for a treatment effect

Make plots of the assignment variable and the mva, alcohol, and drugs outcomes.

  • Either the original or centered version is fine for these plots, but it’s probably more useful to look at the original version.
  • Include smoothing trend lines.
  • Roughly eyeball the treatment effect.
# Visually check for a treatment effect

Step 5: Build models to estimate the treatment effects

Based on your visualizations, determine whether a model with or without interaction between treatment and the assignment variable would be appropriate. Fit these models to estimate the treatment effects, and interpret the appropriate coefficients.

# Modeling to estimate treatment effects

Step 6: Sensitivity analyses

What aspects of regression discontinuity analyses are uncertain (lend themselves to many analysis choices)? What sensitivity analyses might be useful to run?