Confounding variables

Notes and in-class exercises


  • Slides with comments on Quiz 1
  • You can download a template file to work with here.
  • File organization: Save this file in the “Activities” subfolder of your “STAT155” folder.

Learning goals

By the end of this lesson, you should be familiar with:

  • confounding variables
  • how to control for confounding variables in our models
  • how to represent the role of confounding variables using causal diagrams

Readings and videos

Before class you should have read and watched:


Exercise 1: Review

The peaks data includes information on hiking trails in the 46 “high peaks” in the Adirondack mountains of northern New York state:

# Load useful packages and data
peaks <- read_csv("") %>%
    mutate(ascent = ascent / 1000)

# Check it out 
# A tibble: 6 × 7
  peak           elevation difficulty ascent length  time rating   
  <chr>              <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    
1 Mt. Marcy           5344          5   3.17   14.8  10   moderate 
2 Algonquin Peak      5114          5   2.94    9.6   9   moderate 
3 Mt. Haystack        4960          7   3.57   17.8  12   difficult
4 Mt. Skylight        4926          7   4.26   17.9  15   difficult
5 Whiteface Mtn.      4867          4   2.54   10.4   8.5 easy     
6 Dix Mtn.            4857          5   2.8    13.2  10   moderate 

Below is a model of the time (in hours) that it takes to complete a hike by the hike’s length (in miles), vertical ascent(in 1000s of feet), and rating (easy, moderate, or difficult):

peaks_model <- lm(time ~ length + ascent + rating, data = peaks)

Interpret the length and ratingeasy coefficients in the model formula below by using our strategy:

Strategy: When interpreting a coefficient for a variable x, compare two units whose values of x differ by 1 but who are identical for all other variables.

E[time | length, ascent, rating] = 6.511 + 0.459 length + 0.187 ascent - 3.169 ratingeasy - 2.477 ratingmoderate


  • Interpreting the coefficient \(\beta_Q\) for a quantitative variable Q:
    • Holding all other variables constant, each unit increase in Q is associated with \(\beta_Q\) change (note if it’s an increase or decrease) in Y on average.
  • Interpreting the coefficient \(\beta_C\) for an indicator variable:
    • Holding all other variables constant, the average outcome for the group referenced by this indicator (group for whom indicator = 1), is \(\beta_C\) higher/lower than that of the reference group.

Exercise 2: Confounders

Research question: Is there a wage gap, hence possibly discrimination, by marital status among 18-34 year olds?

To explore, we can revisit the cps data with employment information collected by the U.S. Current Population Survey (CPS) in 2018. View the codebook here.

# Import data
cps <- read_csv("") %>% 
    filter(age >= 18, age <= 34) %>% 
    filter(wage < 250000)
Rows: 10000 Columns: 8
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (4): marital, industry, health, education_level
dbl (4): wage, age, education, hours

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# Check it out
# A tibble: 6 × 8
   wage   age education marital industry   health    hours education_level
  <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl> <chr>   <chr>      <chr>     <dbl> <chr>          
1 75000    33        16 single  management fair         40 bachelors      
2 33000    19        16 single  management very_good    40 bachelors      
3 43000    33        16 married management good         40 bachelors      
4 50000    32        12 single  management excellent    40 HS             
5 14400    28        12 single  service    excellent    40 HS             
6 33000    31        16 married management very_good    45 bachelors      

Recall that a simple linear regression model of wage by marital suggests that single workers make $17,052 less than married workers:

wage_model_1 <- lm(wage ~ marital, data = cps)

That’s a big gap!!

BUT this model ignores important confounding variables that might help explain this gap.

A confounding variable is a cause of both the predictor of interest (marital) and of the response variable (wage).

We can represent this idea with a causal diagram:

Another definition of a confounding variable is one that

  • is a cause of the outcome (wage)
  • is associated with the main variable of interest (marital status)
  • NOT caused by the variable of interest

We can represent this on the causal diagram with a line from the confounder to the variable of interest (instead of an arrow):

Name at least 2 potential confounders.

Exercise 3: Controlling for confounders

When exploring the relationship between response a response variable y (wage) and some predictor x (marital), there are often confounding variables for which we want to control or adjust.

  1. Sometimes, we can control (adjust) for confounding variables through a carefully designed experiment. For example, in comparing the effectiveness (y) of 2 different cold remedies (x), we might want to control for the age, general health, and severity of symptoms among the participants. How might we do that?

  2. BUT we’re often working with observational, not experimental, data. Why? Well, explain what an experiment might look like if we wanted to explore the relationship between wage (y) and marital status (x) while controlling for age.

Exercise 4: Age

We’re in luck.

We can control (adjust) for confounding variables by including them in our model!

That’s one of the superpowers of multiple linear regression.

Let’s start simple, by controlling for age in our model of wages by marital status:

# Construct the model
wage_model_2 <- lm(wage ~ marital + age, cps)
  1. Visualize this model by modifying the code below. Note: The last line makes sure that the geom_smooth matches our model assumptions.
ggplot(cps, aes(y = ___, x = ___, color = ___)) +
    geom____(size = 0.1, alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_line(aes(y = wage_model_2$fitted.values), linewidth = 1.25)
  1. Suppose 2 workers are the same age, but one is married and one is single. By how much do we expect the single worker’s wage to differ from the married worker’s wage? (How does this compare to the $17,052 marital gap among all workers?)

  2. How can we interpret the maritalsingle coefficient?

Exercise 5: More confounders

Let’s control for even more potential confounders!

Model wages by marital status while controlling for age and years of education:

wage_model_3 <- lm(wage ~ marital + age + education, cps)
  1. With so many variables, this is a tough model to visualize. If you had to draw it, how would the model trend appear: 1 point, 2 points, 2 lines, 1 plane, or 2 planes? Explain your rationale. Hint: pay attention to whether your predictors are quantitative or categorical.

  2. Given our research question, which coefficient is of primary interest? Interpret this coefficient.

  3. Interpret the two other coefficients in this model.

Exercise 6: Even more

Let’s control for another potential confounder, the job industry in which one works (categorical):

wage_model_4 <- lm(wage ~ marital + age + education + industry, cps)

If we had to draw it, this model would appear as 12 planes.

The original plane explains the relationship between wage and the 2 quantitative predictors, age and education.

Then this plane is split into 12 (2*6) individual planes, 1 for each possible combination of marital status (2 possibilities) and industry (6 possibilities).

  1. Interpret the main coefficient of interest for our research question.

  2. When controlling for a worker’s age, marital status, and education level, which industry tends to have the highest wages? The lowest? Note: the following table shows the 6 industries:

cps %>% count(industry)

Exercise 7: Biggest model yet

Build a model that helps us explore wage by marital status while controlling for: age, education, job industry, typical number of work hours, and health status.

Store this model as wage_model_5.

Exercise 8: Reflection

Take two workers – one is married and the other is single.

The models above provided the following insights into the typical difference in wages for these two groups:

Model Assume the two people have the same… Wage difference
wage_model_1 NA -$17,052
wage_model_2 age -$7,500
wage_model_3 age, education -$6,478
wage_model_4 age, education, industry -$5,893
wage_model_5 age, education, industry, hours, health -$4,993
  1. Though not the case in every analysis, the marital coefficient got closer and closer to 0 as we controlled for more confounders. Explain the significance of this phenomenon, in context - what does it mean?

  2. Do you still find the wage gap for single vs married people to be meaningfully “large”? Can you think of any remaining factors that might explain part of this remaining gap? Or do you think we’ve found evidence of inequitable wage practices for single vs married workers?

Exercise 9: A new (extreme) example

For a more extreme example of why it’s important to control for confounding variables, let’s return to the diamonds data:

# Import and wrangle the data
diamonds <- diamonds %>% 
        cut = factor(cut, ordered = FALSE),
        color = factor(color, ordered = FALSE),
        clarity = factor(clarity, ordered = FALSE)
    ) %>% 
    select(price, clarity, cut, color, carat)

Our goal is to explore how the price of a diamond depends upon its clarity (a measure of quality).

Clarity is classified as follows, in order from best to worst:

clarity description
IF flawless (no internal imperfections)
VVS1 very very slightly imperfect
VVS2 ” ”
VS1 very slightly imperfect
VS2 ” ”
SI1 slightly imperfect
SI2 ” ”
I1 imperfect
  1. Check out a model of price by clarity. What clarity has the highest average price? The lowest? (This is surprising!)
diamond_model_1 <- lm(price ~ clarity, data = diamonds)

# Get a model summary
  1. What confounding variable might explain these results? What’s your rationale?

Exercise 10: Size

It turns out that carat, the size of a diamond, is an important confounding variable.

Let’s explore what happens when we control for this in our model:

diamond_model_2 <- lm(price ~ clarity + carat, data = diamonds)

# Get a model summary

# Plot the model
diamonds %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = price, x = carat, color = clarity)) + 
    geom_line(aes(y = diamond_model_2$fitted.values))

What do you think now?

Which clarity has the highest expected price?

The lowest?

Provide numerical evidence from the model.

Exercise 11: Simpson’s Paradox

Controlling for carat didn’t just change the clarity coefficients, hence our understanding of the relationship between price and clarity… It flipped the signs of many of these coefficients.

This extreme scenario has a name: Simpson’s paradox.

CHALLENGE: Explain why this happened and support your argument with graphical evidence.

HINTS: Think about the causal diagram below. How do you think carat influences clarity? How do you think carat influences price? Make 2 ggplot() that support your answers.

Exercise 12: Final conclusion

What’s your final conclusion about diamond prices?

Which diamonds are more expensive: flawed ones or flawless ones?


Write a one-sentence warning label for what might happen if we do not control for confounding variables in our model.

Response: Put your response here.


Exercise 1: Review

peaks_model <- lm(time ~ length + ascent + rating, data = peaks)
                 Estimate Std. Error   t value     Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)     6.5106514 1.62983740  3.994663 2.627176e-04
length          0.4590819 0.08158314  5.627166 1.465288e-06
ascent          0.1874830 0.34215350  0.547950 5.866973e-01
ratingeasy     -3.1685224 0.86219113 -3.674965 6.827232e-04
ratingmoderate -2.4767827 0.61058560 -4.056405 2.177589e-04
  • length coefficient:
    • Among hikes with the same vertical ascent and challenge rating, each additional mile of the hike is associated with a 0.46 hour increase in completion time on average.
    • Holding vertical ascent and challenge rating constant (fixed), each additional mile of the hike is associated with a 0.46 hour increase in completion time on average.
  • ratingeasy coefficient:
    • Among hikes with the same length and vertical ascent, the average completion time of easy hikes is 3.2 hours less than that of difficult hikes (reference category).
    • Holding constant hike length and vertical ascent, the average completion time of easy hikes is 3.2 hours less than that of difficult hikes.

Exercise 2: Confounders

age, education, job industry, …

Exercise 3: Controlling for confounders

  1. create 2 separate groups that are as similar as possible with respect to these variables. give the groups different remedies.

  2. we’d have to get 2 groups that are similar with respect to age, and assign 1 group to get married and 1 group to be single. that would be weird (and unethical).

Exercise 4: Age

# Construct the model
wage_model_2 <- lm(wage ~ marital + age, cps)
                Estimate Std. Error   t value     Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   -19595.948  3691.6998 -5.308110 1.184066e-07
maritalsingle  -7500.146  1191.8526 -6.292847 3.545964e-10
age             2213.869   120.7701 18.331265 2.035782e-71
  1. .
cps %>%
ggplot(aes(y = wage, x = age, color = marital)) +
    geom_point(size = 0.1, alpha = 0.5) +
    geom_line(aes(y = wage_model_2$fitted.values), size = 1.25)
Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.

  1. -$7500

    • When controlling for (“holding constant”) age, single workers make $7500 less than married workers on average.
    • Among workers of the same age, single workers make $7500 less than married workers on average.

Exercise 5: More confounders

wage_model_3 <- lm(wage ~ marital + age + education, cps)
                Estimate Std. Error    t value     Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)   -64898.607  4099.8737 -15.829416 2.254709e-54
maritalsingle  -6478.094  1119.9345  -5.784351 7.988760e-09
age             1676.796   116.3086  14.416777 1.102113e-45
education       4285.259   207.2158  20.680173 3.209448e-89
  1. 2 planes: There are 2 quantitative predictors which form the dimensions of the plane. The marital status categorical predictor creates 2 planes.

  2. The maritalsingle coefficient is of main interest:

    • Among workers of the same age and years of education, single workers earn $6478 less than married workers.
    • age coefficient: Among workers of the same marital status and years of education, each additional year of age is associated with a $1677 increase in salary on average.
    • education coefficient: Among workers of the same marital status and age, each additional year of education is associated with a $4285 increase in salary on average.

Exercise 6: Even more

wage_model_4 <- lm(wage ~ marital + age + education + industry, cps)
                                  Estimate Std. Error    t value     Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)                     -52498.857  7143.8481 -7.3488206 2.533275e-13
maritalsingle                    -5892.842  1105.6898 -5.3295615 1.053631e-07
age                               1493.360   116.1673 12.8552586 6.651441e-37
education                         3911.117   243.0192 16.0938565 4.500408e-56
industryconstruction              5659.082  6218.5649  0.9100302 3.628760e-01
industryinstallation_production   1865.650  6109.2613  0.3053806 7.600964e-01
industrymanagement                1476.884  6031.2901  0.2448704 8.065727e-01
industryservice                  -7930.403  5945.6509 -1.3338158 1.823603e-01
industrytransportation           -1084.176  6197.2462 -0.1749448 8.611342e-01
  1. Among workers of the same job industry, education, and age, single workers make $5893 less than a married worker on average.

  2. highest = construction (because it has the highest positive coefficient), lowest = service (because it has the most negative coefficient)

Exercise 7: Biggest model yet

wage_model_5 <- lm(wage ~ marital + age + education + industry + hours + health, cps)
                                   Estimate Std. Error     t value     Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)                     -64886.5747 6914.18198 -9.38456275 1.171028e-20
maritalsingle                    -4992.7685 1061.84882 -4.70195794 2.687274e-06
age                               1061.1410  115.83503  9.16079518 9.031462e-20
education                         3443.7625  236.12723 14.58435151 1.128646e-46
industryconstruction              5381.3857 5959.05620  0.90306007 3.665630e-01
industryinstallation_production   2951.0372 5854.23981  0.50408547 6.142365e-01
industrymanagement                5107.6364 5782.95334  0.88322283 3.771832e-01
industryservice                  -3074.5127 5705.56537 -0.53886207 5.900201e-01
industrytransportation            -207.3439 5940.02074 -0.03490626 9.721567e-01
hours                              732.1340   43.72488 16.74410733 2.340115e-60
healthfair                       -7407.7981 2901.71339 -2.55290483 1.072955e-02
healthgood                       -2470.8096 1259.44276 -1.96182766 4.987035e-02
healthpoor                       -9086.9110 7657.43781 -1.18667774 2.354441e-01
healthvery_good                    292.5278 1020.89213  0.28654136 7.744823e-01

Exercise 8: Reflection

  1. These confounders explained away more and more of the wage gap between single and married workers.
  2. Answers will vary. A potential factor that we haven’t considered is a worker’s role within a given industry.

Exercise 9: A new (extreme) example

clarity description
IF flawless (no internal imperfections)
VVS1 very very slightly imperfect
VVS2 ” ”
VS1 very slightly imperfect
VS2 ” ”
SI1 slightly imperfect
SI2 ” ”
I1 imperfect
diamond_model_1 <- lm(price ~ clarity, data = diamonds)

# Get a model summary
                 Estimate Std. Error      t value      Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  3924.1686910   144.5619 27.145247517 3.513547e-161
claritySI2   1138.8599147   150.2746  7.578526239  3.550711e-14
claritySI1     71.8324571   148.6049  0.483378837  6.288287e-01
clarityVS2      0.8207037   148.8672  0.005512992  9.956013e-01
clarityVS1    -84.7132999   150.9746 -0.561109670  5.747251e-01
clarityVVS2  -640.4316203   154.7737 -4.137858008  3.510944e-05
clarityVVS1 -1401.0540535   158.5401 -8.837224284  1.010097e-18
clarityIF   -1059.3295848   171.8990 -6.162510636  7.210567e-10
  1. highest = SI2, lowest = VVS1

  2. will vary.

Exercise 10: Size

diamond_model_2 <- lm(price ~ clarity + carat, data = diamonds)

# Get a model summary
             Estimate Std. Error    t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -6911.566   50.22456 -137.61327        0
claritySI2   2879.180   49.47264   58.19742        0
claritySI1   3729.449   49.16156   75.86108        0
clarityVS2   4388.904   49.38115   88.87813        0
clarityVS1   4613.765   50.13112   92.03393        0
clarityVVS2  5163.323   51.62127  100.02318        0
clarityVVS1  5186.619   53.04830   97.77163        0
clarityIF    5513.139   57.36530   96.10582        0
carat        8440.057   12.65126  667.13154        0
# Plot the model
diamonds %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = price, x = carat, color = clarity)) + 
    geom_line(aes(y = diamond_model_2$fitted.values))

highest = IF, lowest = I1 (reference category)

This is what we would have expected!

Exercise 11: Simpson’s Paradox

The bigger the diamond the bigger the price:

diamonds %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = price, x = carat)) + 

BUT the bigger the diamond, the more flawed it tends to be:

diamonds %>% 
    ggplot(aes(y = carat, x = clarity)) + 

Thus flawed diamonds looked more expensive, but only because they also tend to be bigger (and size is a bigger driver of price).

Exercise 12: Final conclusion

Flawless diamonds are more expensive.