Topic 8 Catch-up Day

Slides from today are available here.


  • Check in with peers and instructor about conceptual questions
  • Check in with instructor about project dataset
  • Organize code we’ve encountered so far into a reference sheet

Building a tidymodels reference sheet

We’ve encountered a lot of tidymodels functions so far. Let’s try to build a reference sheet where we organize what functions are used at what point in an analysis.

  • Revisit our topic pages for LASSO and KNN, and take a look at the “LASSO models in tidymodels” and “KNN models in tidymodels” sections to see how the tidymodels functions below are used.
  • It may help to make a flow diagram indicating the order in which functions are generally run and what function outputs serve as inputs to other functions.
  • It may help to insert screenshots of what function output looks like.

tidymodels functions

For specifying the model we want to fit and how:

  • linear_reg()
  • nearest_neighbor()
  • set_args()
  • tune()
  • set_engine()
  • set_mode()

For CV:

  • vfold_cv()

For data preprocessing (recipes):

  • recipe()
  • step_normalize()
  • step_dummy()
  • all_predictors()
  • all_nominal_predictors()
  • all_numeric_predictors()

Defining a modeling workflow:

  • workflow()
  • add_model()
  • add_recipe()

Tuning over a parameter grid:

  • grid_regular()
  • neighbors()
  • penalty()
  • tune_grid()
  • metric_set()
  • rmse()
  • mae()

Inspecting results:

  • autoplot()
  • collect_metrics()
  • show_best()
  • select_best()
  • select_by_one_std_err()

Using “best” parameters to fit the model to the full training data:

  • finalize_workflow()
  • fit()