Topic 12 Logistic Regression

Learning Goals

  • Use a logistic regression model to make hard (class) and soft (probability) predictions
  • Interpret non-intercept coefficients from logistic regression models in the data context

Slides from today are available here.

Logistic regression in tidymodels

To build logistic regression models in tidymodels, first load the package and set the seed for the random number generator to ensure reproducible results:

library(probably) # install.packages("probably")

set.seed(___) # Pick your favorite number to fill in the parentheses

Then adapt the following code to fit a logistic regression model:

# Make sure you set reference level (the outcome you are NOT interested in)
data <- data %>%
    mutate(outcome = relevel(outcome, ref = "failure")) # set reference level

data_cv <- vfold_cv(data, v = 10)

# Logistic Regression Model Spec
logistic_spec <- logistic_reg() %>%
    set_engine("glm") %>%

# Recipe
logistic_rec <- recipe(outcome ~ ., data = data) %>%
    step_normalize(all_numeric_predictors()) %>% 

# Workflow (Recipe + Model)
logistic_wf <- workflow() %>% 
    add_recipe(logistic_rec) %>%

# Fit Model to Training Data
logistic_fit <- fit(logistic_wf, data = data)

Examining the logistic model

# Display coefficient estimates
logistic_fit %>% tidy()

# Get exponentiated coefficients and confidence intervals
logistic_fit %>% tidy() %>%
        OR.conf.low = exp(estimate - 1.96*std.error),
        OR.conf.high = exp(estimate + 1.96*std.error)
    ) %>%
    mutate(OR = exp(estimate))

Making predictions from the logistic model

# Make soft (probability) predictions
predict(logistic_fit, new_data = ___, type = "prob")

# Make hard (class) predictions (using a default 0.5 probability threshold)
predict(logistic_fit, new_data = ___, type = "class")


You can download a template RMarkdown file to start from here.


We’ll be working with a spam dataset that contains information on different features of emails and whether or not the email was spam. The variables are as follows:

  • spam: Either spam or not spam
  • word_freq_WORD: percentage of words in the e-mail that match WORD (0-100)
  • char_freq_CHAR: percentage of characters in the e-mail that match CHAR (e.g., exclamation points, dollar signs)
  • capital_run_length_average: average length of uninterrupted sequences of capital letters
  • capital_run_length_longest: length of longest uninterrupted sequence of capital letters
  • capital_run_length_total: sum of length of uninterrupted sequences of capital letters

Our goal will be to use email features to predict whether or not an email is spam - essentially, to build a spam filter!


spam <- read_csv("")

# A little data cleaning to remove the space in "not spam"
spam <- spam %>%
    mutate(spam = ifelse(spam=="spam", "spam", "not_spam"))

Exercise 1: Implementing LASSO logistic regression in tidymodels

Our goal is to fit a logistic regression model with word_freq_george and char_freq_exclam as predictors.

  1. Write down the corresponding logistic regression model formula using mathematical notation.

  2. Use tidymodels to fit this logistic regression model to the training data. Let’s try to do this from scratch (almost). Open up this tidymodels note sheet, and we’ll work through the thought process piece by piece.

    • Work with your group to figure out what phase of the analysis is happening in each row. What do you think needs to be modified to implement logistic regression? (For now, we’re just fitting a model with a fixed set of predictors–not trying to estimate test performance with CV.)
    • Key changes for implementing logistic regression: the model name is logistic_reg(), the model-building engine is "glm", and we are now performing "classification" rather than "regression"
# Need to set reference level (to the outcome you are NOT interested in)
spam <- spam %>%
    mutate(spam = relevel(factor(spam), ref="not_spam"))

# Logistic regression model specification
logistic_spec <- 

# Recipe
logistic_rec <- 

# Workflow (Recipe + Model)
log_wf <- 

# Fit Model
log_fit <- fit(log_wf, data = spam)

Exercise 3: Interpreting the model

  1. Take a look at the log-scale coefficients with tidy(log_fit). Do the signs of the coefficients for the 2 predictors agree with your visual inspection from Exercise 1?

  2. Display the exponentiated coefficients, and provide contextual interpretations for them (not the intercept). (Use the output of tidy() with mutate() and exp().)

Exercise 4: Making predictions

Consider a new email where the frequency of “George” is 0.25% and the frequency of exclamation points is 1%.

  1. Use the model summary to make both a soft (probability) and hard (class) prediction for this test case by hand. Use a default probability threshold of 0.5. (You can use math expressions to use R as a calculator. The exp() function exponentiates a number.)

  2. Check your work from part a by using predict().

predict(log_fit, new_data = data.frame(word_freq_george = 0.25, char_freq_exclam = 1), type = "prob")
predict(log_fit, new_data = data.frame(word_freq_george = 0.25, char_freq_exclam = 1), type = "class")