Topic 4 Cross-validation

Learning Goals

  • Explain why training/in-sample model evaluation metrics can provide a misleading view of true test/out-of-sample performance
  • Accurately describe all steps of cross-validation to estimate the test/out-of-sample version of a model evaluation metric
  • Explain what role CV has in a predictive modeling analysis and its connection to overfitting
  • Explain the pros/cons of higher vs. lower # of folds in CV in terms of sample size and computing time
  • Implement cross-validation in R using the tidymodels package


You can download a template RMarkdown file to start from here.

We’ll continue using the body fat percentage dataset from before. Our goal is to build a good predictive model of body fat percentage from body circumference measurements.


bodyfat_train <- read_csv("")

# Remove the extraneous outcome variables (fatBrozek and density) and the
# redundant hip circumference variable (hipin = hip circ. in inches)
bodyfat_train <- bodyfat_train %>%
    select(-fatBrozek, -density, -hipin)

Consider 4 models for body fat percentage:

lm_spec <-
    linear_reg() %>% 
    set_engine(engine = "lm") %>% 

mod1 <- fit(lm_spec,
            fatSiri ~ age+weight+neck+abdomen+thigh+forearm, 
            data = bodyfat_train)

mod2 <- fit(lm_spec,
            fatSiri ~ age+weight+neck+abdomen+thigh+forearm+biceps, 
            data = bodyfat_train)

mod3 <- fit(lm_spec,
            fatSiri ~ age+weight+neck+abdomen+thigh+forearm+biceps+chest+hip, 
            data = bodyfat_train)

mod4 <- fit(lm_spec,
            fatSiri ~ .,  # The . means all predictors
            data = bodyfat_train) 

Exercise 1: Cross-validation concepts

Let’s conceptually step through exactly what our code will be doing to perform 10-fold cross-validation (CV) on the 80 cases in the training set. In your groups, take turns explaining these steps.

Exercise 2: Cross-validation with tidymodels

  1. The code below performs 10-fold CV for mod1 to estimate the test RMSE (\(\text{CV}_{(10)}\)). Do we need to use set.seed()? Why or why not? (Is there a number of folds for which we would not need to set the seed?)
# Do we need to use set.seed()?

bodyfat_cv <- vfold_cv(bodyfat_train, v = 10)

model_wf <- workflow() %>%
    add_formula(fatSiri ~ age+weight+neck+abdomen+thigh+forearm) %>%

mod1_cv <- fit_resamples(model_wf,
    resamples = bodyfat_cv, 
    metrics = metric_set(rmse, mae, rsq)
  1. Explore mod1_cv %>% unnest(.metrics). What information seems to be contained in this output, and how would you use this to calculate the 10-fold cross-validated RMSE by hand? (If you feel up to it, try using code to perform this calculation–use filter() and summarize().)
mod1_cv %>% unnest(.metrics)
  1. Check your manual calculation by directly printing out the CV metrics: mod1_cv %>% collect_metrics(). Interpret this metric.
mod1_cv %>% collect_metrics()

Exercise 3: Looking at the evaluation metrics

Look at the completed table below of evaluation metrics for the 4 models.

  1. Which model performed the best on the training data?
  2. Which model performed best on test set (through CV)?
  3. Explain why there’s a discrepancy between these 2 answers and why CV, in general, can help prevent overfitting.
Model Training RMSE \(\text{CV}_{(10)}\)
mod1 3.810712 4.389568
mod2 3.766645 4.438637
mod3 3.752362 4.517281
mod4 3.572299 4.543343

Exercise 4: Practical issues: choosing the number of folds

  1. In terms of sample size, what are the pros/cons of low vs. high number of folds?
  2. In terms of computational time, what are the pros/cons of low vs. high number of folds?
  3. If possible, it is advisable to choose the number of folds to be a divisor of the sample size. Why do you think that is?

Digging deeper

If you have time, consider the following questions to further explore concepts related to today’s ideas.

Consider leave-one-out-cross-validation (LOOCV).

  • Would we need set.seed()? Why or why not?
  • How might you adapt the code above to implement this?
  • Using the information from your_output %>% unnest(.metrics) (which is a dataset), construct a visualization to examine the variability of RMSE from case to case. What might explain any very large values? What does this highlight about the quality of estimation of the LOOCV process?