
You can download a template file for this activity here.


We’ll be going through ideas in the slides here.


We will continue looking at the data from the National Supported Work Demonstration project. What was the effect of this job training program on income following the program?



Variables of interest:

  • Treatment/exposure: treat (Individual was assigned to the job training program, 1 = yes, 0 = no)
  • Outcome: re78 (Individual’s income in 1978, in US dollars)


  • age: age in years
  • educ: education in number of years of schooling
  • race: the individual’s race/ethnicity, (Black, Hispanic, or White)
  • married: an indicator for marital status (1 = married, 0 = not married)
  • nodegree: an indicator for whether the individual has a high school degree (1 = no degree, 0 = degree)
  • re74: income in 1974, in US dollars
  • re75: income in 1975, in US dollars

Exercise 1

First, let’s see how we would compute weights by hand.

The code below fits a logistic regression model to estimate the propensity score for the lalonde data:

logistic_mod <- glm(treat ~ age + educ + race + married + nodegree + re74 + re75, data = lalonde, family = "binomial")

Food for thought: Is the above model a good model for the propensity score? We can check by assessing balance statistics after weighting. We won’t do that here, but we’ll explore how this can be done with R packages in Exercise 2.

Next we use our model to obtain the propensity scores themselves and subsequently our weights. Look through the code below to see how ATE weights are computed. Make sure you understand the process, and clarify anything if needed.

Add to this code to also compute ATT and ATC (ATU) weights.

lalonde_with_wts <- lalonde %>% 
        # Obtain propensity scores from logistic regression model (log odds->odds->p)
        ps = predict(logistic_mod, newdata = lalonde, type = "response"),
        w_ate = case_when(
            treat==1 ~ 1/ps, # When A=1, ATE weight is 1/P(A=1|Z)
            treat==0 ~ 1/(1-ps) # When A=0, ATE weight is 1/P(A=0|Z) = 1/(1-P(A=1|Z))

Exercise 2

The WeightIt package implements numerous weighting methods for causal inference. It is a parallel to the MatchIt package and maintained by some of the same authors, so the structure of code is similar.

Open up this WeightIt vignette and read the Introduction and Balancing Weights for a Point Treatment sections.

As you read, try to answer the following for a generic treatment A and covariates X1, X2, and X3 that block noncausal paths (result in conditional exchangeability)?

  • What code would we use to estimate ATT weights using logistic regression to estimate the propensity score?
    • Based on this code, what is our guess about how to estimate the ATE and the ATU?
    • What if we wanted to estimate the propensity score with something other than a logistic regression model? What argument would need to change?
    • How would we find specific answers to the above 2 questions?
  • What code would we use to inspect the quality of the weights?
    • What metrics are used to quantify quality of the weights? What values do we want these metrics to take if weights are of good quality?
  • bal.tab() from the cobalt package computes balance statistics. We can see from the vignette that we supply:
    • The result from weightit()
    • A stats argument. Look up the ?bal.tab documentation to understand how to set this argument.
    • A thresholds argument. Look up the ?bal.tab documentation to understand how to set this argument.
  • How do we use lm_weightit() and avg_comparisons() to estimate the treatment effect?

Exercise 3

We will continue looking at the data from the National Supported Work Demonstration project. What was the effect of this job training program on income following the program?


data(lalonde) # Load the job training data

Implement inverse probability weighting to estimate the ATE, ATT, and ATC using logistic regression to estimate the propensity score. We will continue using all covariates (age + educ + race + married + nodegree + re74 + re75) to block noncausal paths.

weight_out_ate <- weightit(

weight_out_att <- weightit(

weight_out_atc <- weightit(

Check that the weights that you computed by hand are identical to the ones from weightit():

# all.equal() checks if 2 vectors are basically identical (give or take some 
# differences in floating point precision)
# We use unname to get rid of the unit IDs that show up as names for the
# vector elements in our manual calculation
all.equal(weight_out_ate$weights, unname(lalonde_with_wts$w_ate))
all.equal(weight_out_att$weights, unname(lalonde_with_wts$w_att))
all.equal(weight_out_atc$weights, unname(lalonde_with_wts$w_atc))

Exercise 4

When estimating the ATE, one adjustment we can consider for our weights is weight stabilization. By multiplying all the weights for the treated units by the same factor \(k_1\) and all the weights for the control units by the same factor \(k_2\) we can reduce the spread (range) of the weights, which can help in increasing the precision of our effect estimates (but isn’t guaranteed).

(If you want to explore this more: Section 12.3 of our supplemental reference Causal Inference: What If discusses stabilized IP weighting.)

The stabilize argument can be set to TRUE to compute stabilized weights. Compare the range of weights with and without stabilization.

weight_out_ate_stabilized <- weightit(
    treat ~ age + educ + race + married + nodegree + re74 + re75,
    data = lalonde,
    estimand = "ATE",
    method = "glm",
    stabilize = TRUE


We can compare the standard errors of our treatment effect estimates with and without stabilization. In this case, stabilized weights didn’t reduce the variance of the treatment effect estimate, but it generally is a good idea to explore:

# Using unstabilized weights
fit_unstabilized <- lm_weightit(
    re78 ~ treat * (age + educ + race + married + nodegree + re74 + re75),
    data = lalonde,
    weightit = weight_out_ate

    variables = "treat",
    newdata = lalonde

# Using unstabilized weights
fit_stabilized <- lm_weightit(
    re78 ~ treat * (age + educ + race + married + nodegree + re74 + re75),
    data = lalonde,
    weightit = weight_out_ate_stabilized

    variables = "treat",
    newdata = lalonde

Exercise 5

Entropy balancing is another weighting technique that solves a constrained optimization problem to find weights that exactly match moments of the covariates and minimize the variance of the weights (variance as quantified by a measure called entropy):

  • The p-th moment of a probability distribution for a random variable \(X\) is \(E[X^p]\).
    • The 1st moment is the mean (expected value): \(E[X]\)
    • The 2nd moment \(E[X^2]\) is used in computing the variance (\(\text{Var}(X) = E[X^2] - (E[X])^2\))

Below we run entropy balancing to balance twice:

  • First time: We balance the first moment (the mean) of each covariate across the treatment groups
  • Second time: We balance the first 2 moments (which balances the mean and variance) of each covariate across the treatment groups
weight_out_ebal_mom1 <- weightit(
    treat ~ age + educ + race + married + nodegree + re74 + re75,
    data = lalonde,
    estimand = "ATT",
    moments = 1,
    method = "ebal"

weight_out_ebal_mom2 <- weightit(
    treat ~ age + educ + race + married + nodegree + re74 + re75,
    data = lalonde,
    estimand = "ATT",
    moments = 2,
    method = "ebal"

Compare the quality of the weights and the balance statistics across these two implementations:

  • In the balance table, how does Diff.Adj compare? Does this make sense?
  • In the balance table, how does V.Ratio.Adj compare? Does this make sense?
  • How does the variance of the weights compare between the two approaches?
bal.tab(weight_out_ebal_mom1, stats = c("m", "v"), thresholds = c(m = .05))
bal.tab(weight_out_ebal_mom2, stats = c("m", "v"), thresholds = c(m = .05))