
Check here to see what you should be doing before, during, and after each class day.


Week Monday Wednesday Friday Announcements
1 (9/2 - 9/6) First day of class! Foundational ideas Causal identification Work on Assignment 1 due Wed 9/11 at 5pm
2 (9/9 - 9/13) Causal graph fundamentals Simulating data using causal graphs

Assignment 1 due today at 5pm
Simulating data using causal graphs (continued) Work on Assignment 2 due Fri 9/27 at 5pm
3 (9/16 - 9/20) Identifying causal effects with causal graphs Identifying causal effects with causal graphs (continued) Synthesis day: time to work on Assignment 2 Work on Assignment 2 due Fri 9/27 at 5pm
4 (9/23 - 9/27) Randomized experiments Target trial framework Matching (Part 1)

Assignment 2 due today at 5pm
5 (9/30 - 10/4) Matching (Part 2) Weighting Weighting (continued) Work on Assignment 3 and addressing feedback on Assignment 2. Both due Wed, 10/9.
6 (10/7 - 10/11) Regression discontinuity designs Event studies / interrupted time series Leslie won't be in class today but start thinking about project topics and finding data if pursuing the data analysis option Work on Assignment 3 and addressing feedback on Assignment 2. Both due Wed, 10/9.
7 (10/14 - 10/18) Interrupted time series and synthetic control Synthetic control Fall Break!
8 (10/21 - 10/25) Synthesis day Synthesis day Fixed effects models Work on Assignment 4 due Wed 10/30 at 5pm
9 (10/28 - 11/1) Difference-in-differences (DiD) DiD continued Sensitivity analyses for unmeasured confounding Assignment 4 due Wed 10/30 at 5pm.
Work on Assignment 3 revisions due Mon 11/4 at 5pm.
Work on Project Milestone 1 due Fri 11/8 at 5pm.
10 (11/4 - 11/8) Instrumental variables Project work day Project work day Assignment 3 revisions due Mon 11/4 at 5pm.
Project Milestone 1 due Fri 11/8 at 5pm.
11 (11/11 - 11/15) Project work day Mini-lesson: mediation analysis
Mini-lesson: time-varying treatments
Project Milestone 1 due Fri 11/22 at 5pm.
12 (11/18 - 11/22) Mini-lesson: causal discovery
Mini-lesson: doubly robust estimation
Mini-lesson: generalizability/transportability
Assignment 5 due Wed 11/20 at 5pm.
Project Milestone 2 due Fri 11/22 at 5pm.
13 (11/25 - 11/29) How do we make the world a better place? How can we make Macalester a better place? How can we make our home departments better communities? 🦃 Thanksgiving Break 🦃 Thanksgiving Break
14 (12/2 - 12/6)
15 (12/9 - 12/13) Project presentations (day 1 of 3) Project presentations (day 2 of 3)
(last day of classes)
16 (12/16 - 12/20) Tuesday 12/17
Project presentations (day 3 of 3)
Final project paper due Wed 12/18 at 5pm

Week 1: Foundations

Day 1: Welcome! (9/4)

Before class:

  • Get acquainted with our course by reading the syllabus and touring our course website and Moodle page.

During class: Introductions and foundations

After class:


The following chapters from The Effect lay the foundation for asking good questions. They’re written in a fun, conversational style and have some nice humor interspersed throughout.

If you would like to have an additional reference throughout the course that leans more technical and economics-leaning, I recommend starting Causal Inference: The Mixtape by reading Chapter 1: Introduction (~35 minutes).

  • Note: Scott uses the term endogenous in Section 1.3 without defining it. This is an economics term that essentially parallels the term confounding in statistics. That is, an endogenous variable is (often) one that is a confounder.

Day 2: Causal identification (9/6)

Before class:


Week 2: Causal graphs

Day 1: Causal graph fundamentals (9/9)

Before class:


Formulate a research question that relates to an area that you’re interested in. In class, we will be using the principles in Chapters 6 and 7 to draw a causal diagram that addresses this research question.

Day 2: Simulating data using causal graphs (9/11)

Before class:

  • Video: Key structures in causal graphs (~12 min) (slides)
    • Note 1: In this video, I refer to a concept called “exchangeability”. This is a concept that I included in the last offering of this course. Exchangeability is a causal identification assumption. When the exchangeability assumption is satisfied, we can identify causal effects. When it is not satisfied, I call this “a lack of exchangeability”. In the language we have used, this happens when there are alternate (noncausal) explanations for a relationship between two variables. So in the video, whenever you hear “creates a lack of exchangeability”, replace that with “leads to the presence of alternate (noncausal) explanations for the relationship between two variables”. When you hear “achieve conditional exchangeability”, replace that with “we are able to address this alternate explanation when analyzing the data”.
    • Note 2: I use the formal probability ideas of marginal and conditional dependence and independence. You can get the essential ideas from this video by replacing terms in the list below. (If you want to learn or review these probability ideas (not required!), watch my Probability Essentials video.)
      • “A and B are marginally [independent/dependent]” = “A and B are [unrelated/related] in a general population”
      • “A and B are conditionally independent” = “A and B are [unrelated/related] in subgroups (in each group defined by one or more variables)”
  • 2 readings from Andrew Heiss’s Program Evaluation course:

During class: Simulating data using causal graphs

Day 3: Simulating data using causal graphs (9/13)

  • Continuation of last class

Week 3: Causal graph wrap-up

Day 1: Identifying causal effects with causal graphs (9/16)

Before class:


During class: Identifying causal effects with causal graphs

Day 2: Identifying causal effects with causal graphs (9/18)

  • Continuation of previous class

During class: Identifying causal effects with causal graphs and Testing causal graphs

Day 3: Synthesis day (9/20)

  • Pause day to work on Assignment 2.
  • Please create a rough outline of your slides before class.
  • We will have a chance to get feedback on the outline, work on the slides, and then get additional feedback on the slide content.

Week 4: Randomized experiments, target trials, matching

Day 1: Randomized experiments (9/23)

Before class: No required reading or videos for today.

During class: Randomized experiments

Day 2: Target trial framework (9/25)


During class: Target trial framework

Day 3: Matching (9/27)

Before class:


During class: Matching (Part 1)

Week 5: Matching and weighting

Day 1: Matching (9/30)

  • Continuation of previous class

During class: Matching (Part 2)

Day 2: Weighting (10/2)

Before class:


During class: Weighting

Day 3: Weighting (10/4)

  • Continuation of previous class

During class: Weighting

Week 6: Regression discontinuity and longitudinal/panel data

Day 1: Regression discontinuity (10/7)

Before class:

During class: Regression discontinuity designs

Day 2: Event studies / interrupted times series (10/9)

Before class:


During class: Event studies / interrupted time series

Day 3: Flex Day (10/11)

No class today because I will be attending a workshop.

On your own: Start exploring options for the course project.

Week 7: Synthetic control

Day 1: Synthetic control (10/14)

Before class:


During class: Interrupted time series and synthetic control

Day 2: Synthetic control (10/16)

During class: Interrupted time series and synthetic control

🍁 Fall Break: Thursday, October 17 - Sunday, October 20 🍁

🍁 No class on Friday, October 18 🍁

Week 8: Fixed effects models

Day 1: Synthesis day (10/21)

During class: Working on Assignment 4

Day 2: Synthesis day (10/23)

During class: Working on Assignment 4

Day 3: Fixed effects models (10/25)

Before class:


During class: Fixed effects models

Week 9: Diff-in-diff, sensitivity analyses

Day 1: Difference-in-differences designs (10/28)

Before class:


During class: Difference-in-Differences

Day 2: DiD continued (10/30)

Before class:


During class: Difference-in-Differences

Day 3: Sensitivity analyses (11/1)

Before class: No required reading or videos for today.

During class: Sensitivity Analyses

Week 10: Instrumental variables and project work

Day 1: Instrumental variables (11/4)

Before class:


During class: Instrumental Variables

Weeks 11-14: Assorted topics, project work time

Potential topics

  • Doubly robust estimation
  • Causal discovery
  • Interference
  • Generalizability/transportability
  • Machine learning and causal inference
  • Time-varying treatments framework
  • Dynamic treatment regimes
  • Mediation analysis

🦃 Thanksgiving Break: Wednesday, November 27 - Sunday, December 1 🦃

Week 15: Project presentations

Day 1: TBD

Before class:

  • (~xx minutes)
  • (~xx)

Day 2: Last day of class!

Before class:

  • (~xx minutes)
  • (~xx)

During class: