Learning Objectives

Learning objectives for our course topics are listed below. Use these to guide your synthesis of video and reading material.

Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning

  • Formulate research questions that align with regression, classification, or unsupervised learning tasks

Evaluating Regression Models

  • Create and interpret residuals vs. fitted, residuals vs. predictor plots to identify improvements in modeling and address ethical concerns
  • Interpret MSE, RMSE, MAE, and R-squared in a contextually meaningful way

Overfitting and cross-validation

  • Explain why training/in-sample model evaluation metrics can provide a misleading view of true test/out-of-sample performance
  • Accurately describe all steps of cross-validation to estimate the test/out-of-sample version of a model evaluation metric
  • Explain what role CV has in a predictive modeling analysis and its connection to overfitting
  • Explain the pros/cons of higher vs. lower k in k-fold CV in terms of sample size and computing time

Subset selection

  • Clearly describe the forward and backward stepwise selection algorithm and why they are examples of greedy algorithms
  • Compare best subset and stepwise algorithms in terms of optimality of output and computational time

LASSO (shrinkage/regularization)

  • Explain how ordinary and penalized least squares are similar and different with regard to (1) the form of the objective function and (2) the goal of variable selection
  • Explain how the lambda tuning parameter affects model performance and how this is related to overfitting

KNN Regression and the Bias-Variance Tradeoff

  • Clearly describe / implement by hand the KNN algorithm for making a regression prediction
  • Explain how the number of neighbors relates to the bias-variance tradeoff
  • Explain the difference between parametric and nonparametric methods
  • Explain how the curse of dimensionality relates to the performance of KNN (not in the video–will be discussed in class)

Modeling Nonlinearity: Polynomial Regression and Splines

  • Explain the advantages of splines over global transformations and other types of piecewise polynomials
  • Explain how splines are constructed by drawing connections to variable transformations and least squares
  • Explain how the number of knots relates to the bias-variance tradeoff

Local Regression and Generalized Additive Models

  • Clearly describe the local regression algorithm for making a prediction
  • Explain how bandwidth (span) relate to the bias-variance tradeoff
  • Describe some different formulations for a GAM (how the arbitrary functions are represented)
  • Explain how to make a prediction from a GAM
  • Interpret the output from a GAM

Logistic regression

  • Use a logistic regression model to make hard (class) and soft (probability) predictions
  • Interpret non-intercept coefficients from logistic regression models in the data context

Evaluating classification models

  • Calculate (by hand from confusion matrices) and contextually interpret overall accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity
  • Construct and interpret plots of predicted probabilities across classes
  • Explain how a ROC curve is constructed and the rationale behind AUC as an evaluation metric
  • Appropriately use and interpret the no-information rate to evaluate accuracy metrics

Decision trees

  • Clearly describe the recursive binary splitting algorithm for tree building for both regression and classification
  • Compute the weighted average Gini index to measure the quality of a classification tree split
  • Compute the sum of squared residuals to measure the quality of a regression tree split
  • Explain how recursive binary splitting is a greedy algorithm
  • Explain how different tree parameters relate to the bias-variance tradeoff

Bagging and random forests

  • Explain the rationale for bagging
  • Explain the rationale for selecting a random subset of predictors at each split (random forests)
  • Explain how the size of the random subset of predictors at each split relates to the bias-variance tradeoff
  • Explain the rationale for and implement out-of-bag error estimation for both regression and classification
  • Explain the rationale behind the random forest variable importance measure and why it is biased towards quantitative predictors (in class)

K-means clustering

  • Clearly describe / implement by hand the k-means algorithm
  • Describe the rationale for how clustering algorithms work in terms of within-cluster variation
  • Describe the tradeoff of more vs. less clusters in terms of interpretability
  • Implement strategies for interpreting / contextualizing the clusters

Hierarchical clustering

  • Clearly describe / implement by hand the hierarchical clustering algorithm
  • Compare and contrast k-means and hierarchical clustering in their outputs and algorithms
  • Interpret cuts of the dendrogram for single and complete linkage
  • Describe the rationale for how clustering algorithms work in terms of within-cluster variation
  • Describe the tradeoff of more vs. less clusters in terms of interpretability
  • Implement strategies for interpreting / contextualizing the clusters