Topic 8 Local Regression & GAMs

Learning Goals

  • Clearly describe the local regression algorithm for making a prediction
  • Explain how bandwidth (span) relate to the bias-variance tradeoff
  • Describe some different formulations for a GAM (how the arbitrary functions are represented)
  • Explain how to make a prediction from a GAM
  • Interpret the output from a GAM

Slides from today are available here.

GAMs in caret

To build GAMs in caret, first load the package and set the seed for the random number generator to ensure reproducible results:

set.seed(___) # Pick your favorite number to fill in the parentheses

Then adapt the following code:

gam_mod <- train(
    y ~ x,
    data = ___,
    method = "gamLoess",
    tuneGrid = data.frame(degree = 1, span = seq(___, ___, by = ___)),
    trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = ___, selectionFunction = ___),
    metric = "MAE",
    na.action = na.omit
Argument Meaning
y ~ x Model formula for specifying response and predictors
data Sample data
method "gamLoess" builds GAMs with LOESS components
tuneGrid A mini-dataset (data.frame) of tuning parameters. degree is the degree of the local polynomial fit (1 = linear is just fine). span is the fraction of data used in the local fit: supply a sequence as seq(begin, end, by = size of step).
trControl Use cross-validation to estimate test performance for each model fit. The process used to pick a final model from among these is indicated by selectionFunction, with options including "best" and "oneSE".
metric Evaluate and compare competing models with respect to their CV-MAE.
na.action Set na.action = na.omit to prevent errors if the data has missing values.

Identifying the “best” GAM

The “best” model in the sequence of models fit is defined relative to the chosen selectionFunction and metric.

# Plot CV-estimated test performance versus the tuning parameter

# CV metrics for each model

# Identify which tuning parameter is "best"

# Get information from all CV iterations for the "best" model

# Use the best model to make predictions
# newdata should be a data.frame with required predictors
predict(gam_mod, newdata = ___)

Inspecting the “best” GAM

# Plot functions for each predictor
# Dashed lines are +/- 2 SEs
plot(gam_mod$finalModel, se = TRUE)

# Plot functions for each predictor in case the functions are splines with plot.Gam
gam_mod_spline <- lm(
    Grad.Rate ~ ns(quant_x1,df) + ns(quant_x2,df) + ...,
    data = ___
plot.Gam(gam_mod_spline, se = TRUE)


You can download a template RMarkdown file to start from here.

Before proceeding, install the gam package by entering install.packages("gam") in the Console.

We’ll continue using the College dataset in the ISLR package to explore splines. You can use ?College in the Console to look at the data codebook.



# A little data cleaning
college_clean <- College %>% 
    mutate(school = rownames(College)) %>% 
    filter(Grad.Rate <= 100) # Remove one school with grad rate of 118%
rownames(college_clean) <- NULL # Remove school names as row names

Exercise 1: Conceptual warmup

  1. Do you think that at GAM with all possible predictors will have better or worse performance than an ordinary (fully linear) least squares model with all possible predictors? Explain your thoughts.

  2. How does high/low span relate to bias and variance of a LOESS model?

  3. How should we choose predictors to be in a GAM? How could forward and backward stepwise selection and LASSO help with variable selection before a GAM?

Exercise 2: Building a GAM in caret

Suppose that our initial variable selection investigations lead us to using the predictors indicated below in our GAM. Fit a GAM with the following specifications:

  • Use 8-fold CV.
  • Select the model which has the lowest MAE. (Hint: options are “oneSE” or “best”).
  • Use the sequence of span values: 0.1, 0.2, …, 0.9.

What do you expect that the plot of test MAE versus span will look like, and why?

gam_mod <- train(
    Grad.Rate ~ Private + Apps + Top10perc + Top25perc + P.Undergrad + Outstate + Room.Board + Books + Personal + PhD + perc.alumni,

Exercise 3: Identifying the “best” GAM

The code below has been common to all of our methods below, so it is provided for convenience.

  • Inspect the output to identify the “best” span for our GAM. (Was your prediction from Exercise 2 about the plot correct?)
  • Contextually interpret the CV MAE with units.
# Plot CV-estimated test performance versus the tuning parameter

# Identify which tuning parameter is "best"

# CV metrics for each model

# CV metrics for just the "best" model
gam_mod$results %>%

Exercise 4: Interpreting the GAM

We can plot the function for each predictor as below.

par(mfrow = c(3,4)) # Sets up a grid of plots
plot(gam_mod$finalModel, se = TRUE) # Dashed lines are +/- 2 SEs
  1. What about these plots indicates that using GAM instead of ordinary linear regression was probably a good choice?
  2. Pick 1 or 2 of these plots, and interpret your findings. Anything surprising or interesting?
  3. The PrivateYes plot might look odd. Not to worry - the GAM is treating this as a categorical (indicator) variable. What do you learn from this plot?

In case you find it useful, you can also build a GAM using spline components with lm() and plot the nonlinear functions for each predictor with plot.Gam() from the gam package.

gam_mod_spline <- lm(
    Grad.Rate ~ Private + ns(Apps,3) + ns(Top10perc,3) + ns(Top25perc,3) + ns(P.Undergrad,3) + ns(Outstate,3) + ns(Room.Board,3) + ns(Books,3) + ns(Personal,3) + ns(PhD,3) + ns(perc.alumni,3),
    data = college_clean

par(mfrow = c(3,4))
plot.Gam(gam_mod_spline, se = TRUE)

Exercise 5: Comparison of methods

Brainstorm the pros/cons of the different methods that we’ve explored. You may find it helpful to refer to the portfolio themes for each method.

(Soon, as part of the Portfolio, you’ll be doing a similar synthesis of our regression unit, so this brainstorming session might help!)

Just for fun!

In case you want a (silly!) take on the curse of dimensionality, check out this video. (“Relevant” parts are from 0:28 - 4:16.)