
The schedule below is a tentative outline of our plans for the module.

Before each class period, please watch the indicated videos and check on your understanding by actively reviewing the associated Learning Objectives. The readings listed below are optional but serve as a nice complement to the videos and class activities. Readings refer to chapters/sections in the Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISLR) textbook (available online here).

Week 1: 3/18 - 3/19
Day(s) Topic Videos/Readings Slides
3/18 Introductions ISLR: Chap 1, Chap 2 - Section 2.1 (Skip 2.1.2, 2.1.3 for now.)
3/19 Evaluating Regression Models Evaluating Regression Models
ISLR: 2.2
Homework 1 due Friday, 3/26 at midnight CST
Week 2: 3/22 - 3/25
Day(s) Topic Videos/Readings Slides
3/22 Overfitting and Cross-validation Overfitting
ISLR: 5.1
3/23 Subset Selection Variable Subset Selection
ISLR: 6.1
3/24-3/25 LASSO (Shrinkage/Regularization) LASSO (Shrinkage/Regularization)
ISLR: 6.2
Homework 1 due Friday, 3/26 at midnight CST
Week 3: 3/29 - 4/1
Day(s) Topic Videos/Readings Slides
3/29 KNN Regression and the Bias-Variance Tradeoff KNN Regression and the Bias-Variance Tradeoff
ISLR: 2.2.2 for the bias-variance tradeoff; 3.5 for KNN regression
3/30 Modeling Nonlinearity: Polynomial Regression and Splines Modeling Nonlinearity: Polynomial Regression and Splines
ISLR: 7.1-7.4
3/31 Local Regression and Generalized Additive Models Local Regression and Generalized Additive Models
ISLR: 7.6-7.7
4/1 Review: Regression
Homework 2 due Friday, 4/2 at midnight CST
Week 4: 4/5 - 4/8
Day(s) Topic Videos/Readings Slides
4/5 Quiz 1 (no class - complete quiz on your own)
4/6 Logistic Regression Logistic Regression
ISLR: 4.1 - 4.3
4/7 Evaluating Classification Models Evaluating Classification Models PDF
4/8 Decision Trees Decision Trees
ISLR: 8.1
Homework 3 due Friday, 4/9 at midnight CST
Week 5: 4/12 - 4/15
Day(s) Topic Videos/Readings Slides
4/12 Wellness Day (no class)
4/13 Decision Trees (continued)
4/14 Bagging and Random Forests Bagging and Random Forests
ISLR: 8.2
Homework 4 due Friday, 4/16 at midnight CST
Week 6: 4/19 - 4/22
Day(s) Topic Videos/Readings Slides
4/19 Quiz 2 (no class - complete quiz on your own)
4/20 K-Means Clustering K-Means Clustering
ISLR: 10.3.1
4/21 Hierarchical Clustering Hierarchical Clustering
ISLR: 10.3.2
4/22 Asynchronous work day
Homework 5 due Thursday, 4/29 at midnight CST
Week 7: 4/26 - 4/29
Day(s) Topic Videos/Readings Slides
4/26 Wellness Day (no class)
4/27 - 4/28 Principal Components Analysis Principal Components Analysis
ISLR: 10.2
4/29 Asynchronous work day
Homework 5 due Thursday, 4/29 at midnight CST
Week 8: 5/3 - 5/5
Day(s) Topic Videos/Readings Slides
5/3 Quiz 3 (no class - complete quiz on your own)
5/4 - 5/5 Asynchronous work days
Final Project due Friday, 5/7 at midnight CST