Topic 13 Bagging and Random Forests

13.1 Exercises

You can download a template RMarkdown file to start from here.

Install the randomForest package in the Console before starting these exercises.

We will continue looking at high resolution aerial image data to classify different parts of images into different types of urban land cover. Data from the UCI Machine Learning Repository include the observed type of land cover (determined by human visual inspection) and “spectral, size, shape, and texture information” computed from the image. You will be predicting the class variable which gives the type of urban land cover.

# Load required packages

# Read in data
land <- read.csv("")
land <- land %>% 
    filter(class %in% c("asphalt ","grass ", "tree ")) %>% 
    mutate(class = droplevels(class))

  1. Fit a random forest with caret with 10-fold CV, and call this object rf_mod_cv. This time the code is not provided. Try to figure out how to construct the train() command by looking back at previous examples from other methods. Some guidance:
    • Visit caret’s (extensive) manual and search for “random forest” in the top right search bar. There will be many results. Find the entry that only has randomForest listed in the “Libraries” column. (The instructor is not familiar with the other packages.) Pay attention to the “method Value” column.
    • Also pay attention to the “Tuning Parameters” column. Answer these next 2 questions in your homework: What is the tuning parameter called? What does this stand for? (To answer the second question, look up the documentation for the randomForest() function by entering ?randomForest in the Console.)
    • Don’t worry about the tuneGrid option for now. If you don’t supply this, caret picks sensible default values for varying the tuning parameter.
    • (In general) Don’t worry about including na.action unless you end up getting an error message that has something to do with NA’s.

  1. Now that you have your train() command set up, let’s time how long it takes to execute. Wrap your entire command within the system.time() function as below:

    rf_mod_cv <- train(???)

    The number under elapsed gives the runtime in seconds.

  1. Ah! But as discussed in the video, OOB is another option. Figure out how to modify the trControl part of your command to use OOB error estimation (look up the documentation for caret’s trainControl() function), and save this new object as rf_mod_oob. Also time your command with system.time() as above. How does the runtime here compare to using CV?

  1. Print rf_mod_oob and rf_mod_cv. (Just type the object names. Running this code displays some summary output for these models that caret has computed.)
    1. How do the estimated test accuracies compare between the two test error estimation methods?
    2. Now let’s just focus on rf_mod_oob. What value of the tuning parameter corresponds to performing just bagging (bagging but not random forests)? Why?
    3. Plot estimated test accuracy versus the tuning parameter. (For any object resulting from caret’s train() function, you can put that object inside plot() to make such a plot. That is, you can just run plot(rf_mod_oob).)
    4. The other values of the tuning parameters correspond to random forests. How do random forests compare to bagging? Is this dependent on the tuning parameter? Discuss in terms of the bias-variance tradeoff.

Note: You don’t have to include this in your homework, but you could refer back to your test accuracy from a single decision tree from the last set of exercises (where you made tree_mod1 in Exercise 6) and check: do random forests actually improve on the single decision tree?

  1. Confusion matrix
    The OOB principle can be used to generate a test confusion matrix (as opposed to a training confusion matrix). This is displayed when you print rf_mod_oob$finalModel. Rows are predicted classes, and columns are true classes. In parts a and b, we’ll nail down the difference between test and training confusion matrices.
    1. For a particular case in the dataset, how do we determine the trees for which the case is OOB? How do we use these trees to make a single prediction for this case? Thus, how is the test confusion matrix constructed?
    2. This is contrast to a training confusion matrix where we use all trees to make a prediction for a particular case–even trees that were built on data that included this case. Why is the test confusion matrix preferable to a training confusion matrix?
    3. Look at the errors that were made for our land use classification. Why (contextually) do you think some errors are more common than others?

  1. Variable importance measures
    Because bagging and random forests use tons of trees, the nice interpretability of single decision trees is lost. However, we can still get a measure of how important the different variables were in this classification task. For each of the 147 predictors, the code below gives the “total decrease in node impurities (as measured by the Gini index) from splitting on the variable, averaged over all trees” (package documentation).

    var_imp_rf <- randomForest::importance(rf_mod_oob$finalModel)
    # Sort by importance with dplyr's arrange()
    var_imp_rf <- data.frame(predictor = rownames(var_imp_rf), MeanDecreaseGini = var_imp_rf[,"MeanDecreaseGini"]) %>% arrange(desc(MeanDecreaseGini))
    # Top 20
    head(var_imp_rf, 20)
    # Bottom 10
    tail(var_imp_rf, 10)
    1. Check out the codebook for these variables here. The descriptions of the variables aren’t the greatest…but does this ranking make some contextual sense?
    2. It has been found that this random forest measure of variable importance is ok generally but can tend to favor predictors with a lot of unique values. Explain briefly why it makes sense that this can happen by thinking about the recursive binary splitting algorithm for a single tree.

Extra! If you want a challenge, try implementing a random forest by yourself using a for-loop. You’ll need a number of pieces of R syntax to get this up and running:

  • Rely on the rpart() function to build the individual trees. You’ll need to supply a formula object for the first part (like class ~ x1+x4+x10). How to do that….? Read on.
  • Look at documentation for the colnames() and setdiff() functions to get a character vector of the predictors.
  • Look at the paste() function for combining entries in a character vector into one string.
  • Look at the as.formula() function.
  • Look at dplyr’s sample_n() function for performing bootstrapping.
  • You’ll want to set.seed()…but inside or outside the for-loop?

Note: this is a simpler version of a random forest in which a random subset of the predictors is used for an entire single tree rather than different random subsets at each split. To actually implement the random subset of predictors at each split, we’d need to code decision trees from scratch…which is possible, but much more adventurous!

# Use colnames() and setdiff() to get a character vector of the predictors:
predictors <- ???
# Total number of trees in the forest
num_trees <- 100
# Compute the square root of the number of predictors.
# You'll want to round() this
num_pred_per_tree <- ???
# Set up contain for the trees
tree_list <- vector("list", length = num_trees)
# Loop!
for (i in seq_len(num_trees)) {
    land_boot <- sample_n(???)
    random_predictors <- sample(???)
    tree_formula <- ???
    tree_boot <- rpart(???)
    tree_list[[i]] <- tree_boot