Topic 6 Shrinkage/Regularization

6.1 Discussion

Exploring doing LASSO by hand

I took a subset of the Hitters dataset to focus on only the Walks and Assists variables.

I made this penalized_rss() function to compute the penalized sum of squared residuals given a value for the lambda penalty and guesses for beta1 (for Walks) and for beta2 (Assists).

penalized_rss <- function(lambda, beta1, beta2) {
    # Predict salary using beta1, beta2 and predictor info
    pred <- hitters_subs$Walks*beta1 + hitters_subs$Assists*beta2
    # Compute residuals
    resid <- hitters_subs$Salary - pred
    # Compute RSS
    rss <- sum(resid^2, na.rm = TRUE)
    # Compute penalized RSS
    prss <- rss + lambda*(abs(beta1) + abs(beta2))

I wanted to compute the penalized RSS for many different combinations of lambda, beta1, and beta2. Here are some of those combinations:

##  lambda beta1 beta2
##   1e+03   1.4   7.2
##   1e+02   3.2   4.4
##   0e+00   2.0   2.0
##   1e+05   1.0   7.8
##   1e+03   1.6   5.2
##   1e+02   2.8   0.4

I then actually computed the penalized RSS for these combinations using the penalized_rss() function.

##  lambda beta1 beta2  pen_rss
##   1e+03   1.4   7.2 53150907
##   1e+02   3.2   4.4 52964196
##   0e+00   2.0   2.0 53098255
##   1e+05   1.0   7.8 54062874
##   1e+03   1.6   5.2 53133494
##   1e+02   2.8   0.4 53024238

For each lambda value that I tried, I manually fit a LASSO model by finding the beta1 and beta2 values that minimized the penalized RSS. These are shown here:

## # A tibble: 6 x 4
##    lambda beta1 beta2   pen_rss
##     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1       0    10   9.8 52264853.
## 2     100    10   9.6 52266813.
## 3    1000    10   8   52283711.
## 4   10000    10   0   52392761.
## 5  100000    10   0   53292761.
## 6 1000000     0   0   53319113.

Thought exercise: How do the results above demonstrate the shrinkage property of LASSO?

6.2 Exercises

You can download a template RMarkdown file to start from here.

We’ll explore LASSO modeling using the Hitters dataset in the ISLR package (associated with the optional textbook). You’ll need to install the ISLR package in the Console first. You should also install the glmnet package as we’ll be using it subsequently for fitting LASSO models.

install.packages(c("ISLR", "glmnet"))
# Load the data

# Examine the data codebook

The Hitters dataset contains a number of stats on major league baseball players in 1987. Our goal will be to build a regression model that predicts player Salary.

  1. Get to know the Hitters data
    1. Peek at the first few rows.
    2. How many players are in the dataset?
    3. How many possible predictors of salary are there?

  1. Developing some intuition
    A natural model to start with is one with all possible predictors. The following model is fit with ordinary (not penalized) least squares:

    least_squares_mod <- lm(Salary ~ ., data = Hitters)
    1. Use caret to perform 7-fold cross-validation to estimate the test error of this model. Use the straight average of the RMSE column instead of squaring the values first. (Why 7? Think about the number of cases in the folds.)
    2. How do you think the estimated test error would change with fewer predictors?
    3. Briefly describe how the output of a stepwise selection procedure could help you choose a smaller model (a model with fewer predictors).
    4. This model fit with ordinary least squares corresponds to a special case of penalized least squares. What is the value of \(\lambda\) in this special case?
    5. As \(\lambda\) increases, what would you expect to happen to the number of predictors that remain in the model?

  1. LASSO for specific \(\lambda\)
    1. The code below fits a LASSO model with \(\lambda = 10\). This value of \(\lambda\) is specified in the tuneGrid argument. The alpha = 1 specifies the LASSO method specifically (the glmnet method has other purposes).

      lasso_mod_lambda10 <- train(
          Salary ~ .,
          data = Hitters,
          method = "glmnet",
          trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 7),
          tuneGrid = data.frame(alpha = 1, lambda = 10),
          metric = "RMSE",
          na.action = na.omit
      # Model coefficients for lambda = 10
      # The .'s indicate that the coefficient is 0
      coefficients(lasso_mod_lambda10$finalModel, 10)
    2. How many variables remain in the LASSO model with \(\lambda=10\)? How do their coefficients compare to the corresponding variables in the least squares model?
    3. Fit the LASSO using \(\lambda=100\).

      lasso_mod_lambda100 <- train(
          Salary ~ .,
          data = Hitters,
          method = "glmnet",
          trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 7),
          tuneGrid = data.frame(alpha = 1, lambda = 100),
          metric = "RMSE",
          na.action = na.omit
      # Model coefficients for lambda = 100
      coefficients(lasso_mod_lambda100$finalModel, 100)
    4. How many variables remain in the LASSO model with \(\lambda=100\)? Is this model “bigger” or smaller than the LASSO with \(\lambda=10\)? How do the variables’ coefficients compare to the corresponding variables in the least squares model and the LASSO with \(\lambda=10\)?

  1. LASSO for a variety of \(\lambda\)
    There are infinitely many \(\lambda\) we could use. It would be too tedious to examine these one at a time. The following code fits LASSO models across a grid of \(\lambda\) values and makes a summary plot of the coefficient estimates as a function of \(\lambda\).

    # Create a grid of lambda values
    lambdas <- 10^seq(-3, 3, length.out = 100)
    # Fit LASSO models for all of the lambdas
    lasso_mod <- train(
        Salary ~ .,
        data = Hitters,
        method = "glmnet",
        trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 7),
        tuneGrid = data.frame(alpha = 1, lambda = lambdas),
        metric = "RMSE",
        na.action = na.omit
    # Plot summary of coefficient estimates
    plot(lasso_mod$finalModel, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE, col = rainbow(20))
    # What variables do the numbers correspond to?
    There’s a lot of information in this plot!
    • Each colored line corresponds to a different predictor. The small number to the left of each line indicates a predictor by its position in rownames(lasso_mod$finalModel$beta).
    • The x-axis reflects the range of different \(\lambda\) values considered in lasso_mod (the lambdas vector that we created).
    • At each \(\lambda\), the y-axis reflects the coefficient estimates for the predictors in the corresponding LASSO model.
    • At each \(\lambda\), the numbers at the top of the plot indicate how many predictors remain in the corresponding model.

    1. Very roughly eyeball the coefficient estimates when \(log(\lambda) = -2\). Do they look like they correspond to the coefficient estimates from ordinary least squares in exercise 2?
    2. Why do all of the lines head toward y = 0 on the far right of the plot?
    3. We can zoom in on the plot by setting the y-axis limits to go from -10 to 10 with ylim as below. Compare the lines for variables 6 and 15. What are variables 6 and 15? Which seems to be a more “important” or “persistent” variable? Does this make sense in context?

      # Zoom in
      plot(lasso_mod$finalModel, xvar = "lambda", label = TRUE, col = rainbow(20), ylim = c(-10,10))
      # What is variable 6?

  1. Picking \(\lambda\)
    In order to pick which \(\lambda\) (hence LASSO model) is “best”, we can compare the 7-fold CV error rate for each model. caret has actually done that for us when it train()ed the model. We can look at a plot of those results:

    # Plot a summary of the performance of the different models
    This figure plots cross-validation estimates of the RMSE (y-axis) versus value of \(\lambda\) (regularization parameter).
    1. Comment on the shape of the plot. The RMSE’s go down at the very beginning then start going back up. Why do you think that is?
    2. Roughly, what value of \(\lambda\) results in the best model?
    3. This plot indicates that we tried many \(\lambda\) values that were pretty bad. (Why?) Let’s fit LASSO models over a better grid of \(\lambda\) values. Modify the previous code to use the following grid and remake lasso_mod and the previous plot:

      lambdas <- seq(0, 50, length.out = 100)

  1. Picking \(\lambda\): accounting for uncertainty
    Each of the points on the previous plot arose from taking the mean RMSE over 7 cross-validation iterations. Those 7 RMSE estimates have a standard deviation and standard error too. You can use the custom best_lambdas() function to make a plot of estimated test RMSE versus \(\lambda\) that also shows information about the standard errors.
    In particular, the plot shows points that exactly correspond to the previous plot. The additional lines show 1 standard error above and below the RMSE estimate. In essence, the span of the lines indicates a confidence interval.
    The best_lambdas() function also prints information about some reasonable choices for good \(\lambda\) values.

    best_lambdas <- function(model) {
        # Extract the results table
        res <- model$results
        # Extract the K in K-fold CV
        k <- model$control$number
        # Compute the standard error (SE) of the RMSE estimate
        res$rmse_se <- res$RMSESD/sqrt(k)
        # Which lambda resulted in the lowest RMSE?
        index_lambda_min <- which.min(res$RMSE)
        lambda_min <- res$lambda[index_lambda_min]
        # Compute 1 SE below and above the minimum RMSE
        res$rmse_lower <- res$RMSE - res$rmse_se
        res$rmse_upper <- res$RMSE + res$rmse_se
        rmse_lower <- res$RMSE[index_lambda_min] - res$rmse_se[index_lambda_min]
        rmse_upper <- res$RMSE[index_lambda_min] + res$rmse_se[index_lambda_min]
        res$within_1se <- res$RMSE >= rmse_lower & res$RMSE <= rmse_upper
        index_lambda_1se <- max(which(res$within_1se))
        lambda_1se <- res$lambda[index_lambda_1se]
        p <- ggplot(res, aes(x = lambda, y = RMSE)) +
            geom_pointrange(aes(ymin = rmse_lower, ymax = rmse_upper))
        output <- res[c(index_lambda_min, index_lambda_1se),c("lambda", "RMSE")]
        rownames(output) <- c("lambda_min", "lambda_1se")
    lambda_choices <- best_lambdas(lasso_mod)
    1. The first row of printed output shows a choice for \(\lambda\) called lambda_min, the \(\lambda\) at which the observed CV error was smallest. The second row shows a choice called lambda_1se, the largest \(\lambda\) for which the corresponding LASSO model has a CV error that’s still within 1 standard error of that for the LASSO using lambda_min. Explain why we might use the LASSO with lambda_1se instead of lambda_min.
    2. How does the CV-estimated RMSE of these models compare to that of the original ordinary least squares model in exercise 2?
    3. Look at the coefficients of LASSO models corresponding to both choices of \(\lambda\). How do the coefficients differ between lambda_min and lambda_1se? Does one model’s coefficients seem more sensible contextually? The instructor does not have a deep enough understanding of baseball, but you might!

      # Coefficients for the lambda_min LASSO model
      coefficients(lasso_mod$finalModel, lambda_choices["lambda_min", "lambda"])
      # Coefficients for the lambda_1se LASSO model
      coefficients(lasso_mod$finalModel, lambda_choices["lambda_1se", "lambda"])